Regulations Relating to the Uniform and Equipment of the
Officers and Enlisted Men of the
United States Marine Corps


1.     All persons belonging to the Marine Corps must strictly conform to such regulations for the uniform as may be prescribed. Every person in the Corps is strictly forbidden to wear any dress or decoration other than that to which his grade or the law entitles him.

2.     Officers and men on duty will at all times wear the uniform of their respective grades.

3.     Officers on duty at Headquarters of the Corps and special duty at stations, without troops, and on leave from their stations, are, when not otherwise ordered, authorized to wear plain clothes.

4.     Officers serving on courts-martial, courts of inquiry, boards of examination, or when attending as witnesses or otherwise before such tribunals, shall wear the prescribed uniform of their respective grades.

5.     Officers on the retired list are authorized to wear the uniform of their actual rank, under the same restrictions as are provided in these regulations for officers on the active list.

6.     Officers suspended from duty, in pursuance of the sentence of a general court-martial, or waiting orders as punishment, shall not appear in uniform.

7.     Officers and enlisted men shall not wear any part of their uniform with plain clothes, nor shall parts of one uniform be worn with parts of another or others, except as provided in these regulations.

8.     An order prescribing the uniform of the day should be explicit in terms and provide that officers shall wear the same kind of uniform as is to be worn by enlisted men.

9.     Officers shall not wear any article of uniform prescribed in these regulations for the enlisted men, except during the hours between tattoo and morning colors, and when on duty with troops in the field.

10. The importance of careful attention to the subject of uniforms is enjoined upon officers and enlisted men.

11. Medals of Honor, good-conduct badges and other authorized decorations may be worn on “occasions of ceremony”, such as general musters, reviews, inspections, etc., or when special full dress or full dress is prescribed. Badges to be worn on the left breast of the coat, suspended by a ribbon from a bar of metal passed through their upper ends, the tops of the ribbons forming a horizontal line, opposite the third button from the top. The badges will be arranged so that those commemorative of the more modern events shall be against the shoulder. Medals of Honor, good-conduct badges, and medals for special acts of gallantry will be worn on the end of the line away from the shoulder.

12. When on duty with a naval brigade or landing party, leggings are to be worn. They will never be worn, however, with full dress.

13. When the sword is worn with the overcoat, the sword is to be outside of the coat, the belt underneath, the long sling of the belt passing through the rear slit and the short sling passing through the side slit of the overcoat.

14. When officers carry revolvers, the sword belt will be worn on the outside of the coat and the cartridge box in front and to the right of the belt buckle. The revolver is worn slightly in rear of the right hip. The haversack in rear of the left hip; canteen in rear of right hip, with sword belt over both haversack straps and the rear strap of the canteen.

15. Rain clothes will be worn in bad weather when authorized.



(a) Special Full Dress

To be worn on occasions of special ceremony, and when officers of the Navy are to appear in special full-dress.

For Brigadier General, Commandant: Special full-dress coat, chapeau, special full-dress or white trousers, sword, full-dress sword belt, full-dress sword knot, epaulettes, white gloves or gauntlets.

For all officers of the line: Special full-dress coat, white or black helmet, special full-dress or white trousers, sword, full-dress sword belt, full-dress sword knot, epaulettes, white gloves or gauntlets.

For all officers of the staff: Special full-dress coat, chapeau, special full-dress or white trousers, sword, full-dress sword belt, full-dress sword knot, shoulder knots and aiguillettes, white gloves or gauntlets.

(b) Full Dress

To be worn on occasions of ordinary ceremony, such as usual reviews, inspections, etc. When associated with officers of the Navy who are to appear in dress, officers of the line of the Marine Corps will substitute epaulettes for shoulder knots.

For Brigadier General, Commandant: Special full-dress coat, chapeau, shoulder knots, full-dress or white trousers, sword, full-dress sword belt, full dress sword knot, white gloves or gauntlets.

For all officers of the line: Special full-dress coat, white or black helmet, shoulder knots, full-dress or white trousers, sword, full-dress sword belt, full-dress sword knot, white gloves or gauntlets.

For all officers of the staff: Special full-dress coat, chapeau, full-dress or white trousers, sword, full-dress sword belt, full-dress sword knot, shoulder knots, (without aiguillettes), white gloves or gauntlets.

(c) Undress

To be habitually worn when on duty, when reporting for duty, when serving on courts or boards, and when calling upon officials of our own, or of a foreign service, and when associated with officers of the Navy who are in undress A, undress B, or service dress.

For the Brigadier General, Commandant, and all officers of the line and staff: Undress coat (blue or white), blue cap or white cap cover, white helmet, undress or white trousers, sword, undress sword belt (to be worn under the coat), undress sword knot, white gloves or gauntlets. In warm climates white shoes may be worn with white trousers.

In more purely social calls the sword, belt, and knot will not be worn.

(d) Evening Dress

To be worn in the evening on social occasions, to which officers are invited in their official capacity.

For the Brigadier General, Commandant, and all officers of the line and staff: Evening-dress coat and waistcoat, evening-dress trousers, undress cap, and black silk necktie.

When officers of the Navy wear evening dress A, officers of the Marine Corps will wear special full dress.

(e) Mess Dress

May be worn on mess occasions, or in the evening on social occasions or when evening dress B is prescribed for officers of the Navy, but at no other time.

For the Brigadier General, Commandant, and all officers of the line and staff: Mess jacket, undress cap, dark-blue cloth or white-linen evening dress waistcoat, evening dress or white trousers and black silk necktie. The white waistcoat to be worn only with white trousers.

(f) Overcoat

To be worn when ordered. The black helmet may be worn with the overcoat when ordered.

(g) Campaign Uniform

To be worn in garrison and field in the United States when ordered, and in garrison and field in foreign possessions or countries.

For the Brigadier General, Commandant, and all officers of the line and staff: Campaign coat, campaign trousers, leggings, campaign hat or white helmet, black or russet shoes. The sword belt will be worn on the outside of this coat.




BRIGADIER GENERAL, COMMANDANT: A double-breasted frock coat of dark-blue cloth; skirt to extend to point of thumb, the arm hanging naturally; two rows of large size Corps buttons on the breast, eight in each row placed in pairs; the distance between the rows to be seven inches at the top and three inches at the bottom, measurement to be made from the center of the buttons.

Collar, standing: To be one and one-half inches high and trimmed with No. 2 Marine Corps lace and hooked at the bottom, corners in the front to be rounded similar to that of the special full dress of the line officers, this lace to be backed with gold tracing braid at the base of collar and forming a crow’s foot in the center of the back, the side loops of the crow’s foot to be, each, one inch in length, and the middle loop to be one and one-half inches in length from the outside edge of braid, the top of the collar to be piped with one-eighth inch scarlet cloth.

Pockets: Two, in the folds of the skirt behind; each pocket to have one three-pointed side edge in the fold of the skirt; to have one point at the center of the side edge and to curve thence up and down to the bottom; side edges to be piped with scarlet cloth, one-eighth of an inch wide; one large size Corps button at the waist, one at the center, and one at the bottom of each edge, the lowest button to be three and one-half inches from the bottom of the skirt.

Cuffs: To consist of a strip of dark-blue velvet, three inches deep, and an ornament in the shape of a chevron of one and seven-eighths inches gold lace placed upon red cloth. The chevron to be backed by gold tracing braid one-eighth of an inch wide in double overhand loops placed close together around the edge of the chevron, except at the top of the chevron where the design will be in the shape of a knot topped by a loop, and at the lower angle of the chevron, where the design will be in the shape of four loops. The red cloth to show one-eighth of an inch between the gold lace and the tracing braid, and to show fully between the parts of the design at the top and lower angle of the chevron. The ornament will have the following dimensions: From top of gold lace to bottom of cuff, nine and one-eighth inches; length of gold lace at vertical seam in front, four inches; bottom edge of gold lace at side, from bottom of sleeve, two and one-eighth inches; bottom of ornament at center from bottom of cuff, one-eighth inches; width of loops at top of chevron, lower loop immediately over chevron, three inches, upper loop two and one-half inches from outside edge of braid.  Top of ornament from bottom of cuff, thirteen and three-quarter inches.

FOR ALL LINE OFFICERS: A double-breasted frock coat of dark-blue cloth; skirt to extend to point of thumb, the arm hanging naturally; two rows of large size Corps buttons on the breast, eight in each row, placed at equal distances apart; the distance between the rows to be seven inches at the top and three inches at the bottom, measurement to be made from the center of the buttons.

Collar: Standing one and one-half inches high, rounded ends; to hook in front at bottom, top to be edged with scarlet cloth, three-sixteenths of an inch wide; to be trimmed with gold lace five-eighths of an inch wide, under and against the scarlet edging; gold tracing braid around the base.

Pockets: Two, in the folds of the skirt behind; each pocket to have one three-pointed side edge in the fold of the skirt; to have one point at the center of the side edge and to curve thence up and down to the bottom; side edges to be piped with scarlet cloth, one-eighth of an inch wide; one large size Corps button at the waist, one at the center, and one at the bottom of each edge, the lowest button to be three and one-half inches from the bottom of the skirt.

Cuffs, field officers: The same as for the Brigadier General Commandant, except that the strip of dark-blue velvet will be omitted, and the knot over the point of the chevrons shall be in the shape of three loops, one vertical and two horizontal, with the scarlet cloth showing in the openings of the loops.  Horizontal loops to be rounded at the ends, and vertical pointed at the top. The width of the horizontal loops will be two and five-eighths inches from point to point, measuring from the outside of the gold tracing braid, and the height of the vertical loop will be two and one-half inches from the outside of the gold tracing braid. Vertical height of the horizontal loops, eleven-sixteenths of and inch; width of vertical loop seven-eighths of an inch at the widest part. The total length of this ornament will be ten and five-eighths inches from the bottom of the cuff.

Cuffs, captains: A Marine Corps knot of plain round gold cord, one-fourth of an inch wide, backed on both sides by gold tracing braid one-eighth of an inch wide placed close to the cord; the knot to be on red cloth, the cloth to show between the openings of the knot. The entire knot to be backed, except in the angle of the bottom of same, by double overhand loops of one-eighth inch gold tracing braid, made so as to abut.  The cord and tracing braid will extend evenly around the sleeve. Full length of complete knot to be from nine to ten and one-half inches from the bottom of sleeve, according to length of arm of wearer; vertical height of knot inside of tracing braid from top to angle of bottom of center, to be from six to seven and one-half inches. The width of the knot inside of tracing braid at widest point to be from three and three-quarters to four and one-quarter inches. The diamond at center of the knot to be about one and one-eighth inches in height and seven-eighths of an inch wide. The point at which the cord crosses at the angle at the bottom of the knot to be from two and one-half to three inches from the bottom of the sleeve; distance of round cord from bottom of sleeve at side to be from one and three-quarters to two and one-quarter inches. The angle at the bottom of knot to be trimmed with design similar to that in the angle of the field officer’s chevrons; the bottom of the design to be about one-eighth of an inch from bottom of cuff.

Cuffs, first lieutenants: Same as for captain, omitting the overhand loops around the cord, but retaining the design in the angle at the bottom of the knot.

Cuffs, second lieutenants: Same as first lieutenant, but omitting the design in the angle at the bottom of the knot.

The gold lace or cord on the cuffs in all the above specifications shall extend completely around the cuffs.


BRIGADIER GENERAL, COMMANDANT: Special full dress: Of dark-blue cloth, cut with medium spring, side pockets, down the outer seam of each leg one stripe of No. 3 Marine Corps gold lace, crimson and gold interwoven, one and one-fourth inches wide, through the center of which is run a stripe of crimson silk three-sixteenths of an inch wide.

Full dress: Of dark-blue cloth, cut with medium spring, side pockets, one stripe of mohair braid one and one-fourth inches wide down the outer seam of each leg.

FOR ALL LINE OFFICERS: Special full dress: Of sky-blue cloth of the same shade of color as the standard sample adopted for the enlisted men, cut with medium spring, side pockets, one stripe of scarlet cloth down the outer seam of each leg, one and one-fourth inches wide, with one one-eighth of an inch of flat gold tracing braid on outer edges, showing one-sixteenth of an inch of scarlet cloth outside gold braid.

Full dress: Of sky blue cloth of the same shade of color as adopted for special full-dress trousers, cut with medium spring, side pockets, one strip of scarlet cloth one and one-fourth inches wide, down the outer seam of each leg, edges of scarlet stripes to be welted.



Brigadier General, Commandant: Same as prescribed for brigadier general, United States Army.

Field officers: Gold, with solid crescent; corps device in silver placed within the crescent, bullion bright and dead, one-half inch in diameter and three and one-half inches long. The following insignia of rank will be embroidered on scarlet cloth and placed on the center of the strap:

Brigadier General, Commandant: A silver star of five rays.

Colonel: A silver spread eagle.

Lieutenant Colonel:A silver leaf.

Major: A gold leaf.

Captains: Same as for field officers, except that the bullion will be one-fourth of an inch in diameter and two and one-half inches long. Insignia of rank to consist of two silver embroidered bars on scarlet cloth.

First lieutenants: Same as for captains, excepting that the bullion will be one-eighth of an inch in diameter.  Insignia of rank to consist of one silver embroidered bar on scarlet cloth.

Second lieutenants: Same as for first lieutenants, omitting the silver embroidered bar.

Shoulder Knots

Brigadier General, Commandant, and all line officers: To be made of four strands of fine gold cord, three-sixteenths of an inch in diameter; to consist of a twisted strap of three loops and an end of clover-leaf shape, the twisted strap and clover-leaf end to be lined with scarlet cloth, so as to show the scarlet through the openings only. Shoulder ends to be slightly elevated by wadding. Rank to be indicated on the center of the clover leaf by the same device as adopted for epaulettes. The fastenings of knots to be the same as prescribed for epaulettes. Full length of knot to be six and one-quarter inches.


Special Full Dress and Full Dress

Brigadier General, Commandant: A chapeau, of black silk plush, curved pattern same as prescribed for general officers of the Army. On the right side to have an ornament consisting of a gold lace strip two and one-fourth inches wide with embroidered edge, on which will be placed a gilt and burnished Marine Corps cap ornament and a large-sized Marine Corps button. A gold wire tassel to be on front and rear peak of the chapeau.  Plume to be of yellow ostrich feathers.

All line officers: A helmet of fine felt, of the same shape as the standard sample adopted for enlisted men. A plume to be worn by field officers and a spike by company officers.

Helmet Ornaments

Corps device: The same pattern as adopted for enlisted men, with fretted silver Western Hemisphere, with chased parallels; continent of North and South America, and anchor to be of gold, eagle to be of silver.

Chin strap, buttons, spike, and spike base: The same patterns as adopted for enlisted men, but of fire gilt.  The chin strap on helmet will invariably be worn down and resting on the chin.

Plume (for field officers only): Of red buffalo hair, dyed a fast color to the shade of the standard sample.

Plume socket (for field officers only): To be of metal, fire gilt, an inverted fluted cone with mitered top (four points); spherical base, into the mouth of which the cone will be securely brazed, will form a hexagonal pedestal at the bottom, similar to that of the spike, so as to rest firmly upon the base and be bored for the plume pin. Height of spherical base (including mouth and pedestal), one and three-fourths inches; of cone, one and one-fourth inches; diameter of cone at bottom, five-eighths of an inch; at top, seven-eighths of an inch; diameter of sphere, one inch. The plume pin, with plain head and washer, shall pass through the socket, and extend one and one-fourth inches below the base; the thread on the pin shall be cut so as to screw into the ventilator socket at the top of the helmet. The pin to have, on the lower end, a small brass thumb nut which will set up against the lower end of the ventilator in the top of the helmet, Base to be the same pattern as adopted for enlisted men.

All metallic ornaments shall be gold-plated, except where otherwise stated.

White Helmet

For Brigadier General, Commandant, and all line officers: A white helmet of the same shape and material as the standard sample adopted for the enlisted men. With special full dress and full dress the spike and spike base will be worn, and with undress, summer undress or campaign, the ventilator top only. The chin strap and Corps device will not be used on this helmet.


Brigadier General, Commandant: Of buff silk net, with silk bullion fringe ends; sash to go twice around the waist and to tie behind the left hip, pendant part not to extend more than eighteen inches below the tie.


For Brigadier General, Commandant, and all line officers: Of No. 1 Marine Corps gold lace, crimson and gold interwoven, one and one-half inches wide, through the center of which is run a strip of crimson silk three-sixteenths of an inch wide; belt to be lined with white morocco leather, showing edges of one-eighth of an inch wide. Slings of same material and design, best gold lace to be three-fourths of an inch wide, and to show one-sixteenth of an inch of leather on either side.


For Brigadier General, Commandant, and all line officers: Gilt, rectangular, two and one-eighth inches wide by three and one-eighth inches long, with a raised bright rim; a wreath of laurel encircling the “Arms of the United States”; eagle, shield, scroll, stars, edge of clouds, and rays silvered.


For Brigadier General, Commandant, and all line officers: Ivory mameluke grip, with two gilt-embossed stars on each side of the same, set on a gilt circular plate sunk flush with the ivory. Blade rounded on back, with the words “United States Marines” in a scroll on each side; length of blade from thirty-one to thirty-three inches. Scabbard of German silver, gilt hilt, band rings, and tip, the bands and tip to be embossed.


For Brigadier General, Commandant, and all line officers: Of three-sixteenths inch crimson and gold cord, with bullion tassel.



For Brigadier General, Commandant, and all line officers: A sack coat of dark-blue cloth; cut half close so as to define the figure, but to be sufficiently loose to allow the sword belt to be worn under the coat; skirt to be one and one-half inches shorter than the skirt of the full-dress coat; slits at the bottom of the side seams, the one on the right side to be six inches long from the bottom of the coat, and the one on the left side to be as high as the lower edge of the sword belt when worn under the coat; standing collar, one and one-half inches high; rounded ends, to hook in front at bottom. The edges of the collar, front, lower border, sleeves, side slits and back seams to be trimmed with black mohair braid, one inch wide, backed with black tracing braid, one-eighth of an inch wide. The trimming on the side slit at the left will extend no higher than that on the right side. The coat to be trimmed across the breast with black mohair braid, three-eighths of an inch wide and one-eighth of an inch thick, with black silk frogs, and black stuffed crocheted buttons, one inch in diameter. Sleeves to be trimmed in black mohair braid, backed with black tracing braid as now prescribed for sleeves of special full-dress coat, omitting the scarlet. The Corps device and insignia of rank one-half the size adopted for epaulettes, the rank device to be embroidered and backed with scarlet cloth, to be worn on each side of the collar, three-fourths of an inch apart, the insignia of rank being the nearer to the ends of the collar, and three-fourths of an inch therefrom. The flukes of the anchor of the Corps device to point toward the opening of the collar. The mohair braid and backing of tracing braid shall extend completely around the sleeves.


Brigadier General, Commandant, and all line officers: Same as full dress.


Brigadier General, Commandant: To be made of fine dark navy-blue cloth. Height in front to be three inches graduating to two and one-half inches at back. A black silk velvet band, one and one-half inches wide, within welts; lower welt to be one-eighth of an inch from base of cap. Three short rows of black silk flat braid, one-eighth of an inch wide, extending from top of band to top edge of cap in front, back, and equidistant on each side. The knot on top of the cap to be composed of four double loops, made of one-eighth of an inch black silk flat braid. Shape of cap to be what is known as the bell crown, being about one-half inch larger at crown than base. Two metal ventilators on each side of cap, midway between band and top edge, and distant one-half an inch from the rows of braid. A black leather visor with bound edge, lined with green leather and sloping down at an angle of about twenty-five degrees from the horizontal. Cap to be stiffened and held in shape by upholsterer’s hair cloth above the band and to have a steel grommet within the edge of the crown. Two Marine Corps gilt buttons and chin cord made of two and one-fourth inch ligne real gold cords. Ornament to consist of the Corps device prescribed for officers, set in a wreath of gold acorn leaves.

For all line officers: Same as Brigadier General Commandant, except that a band of lustrous black mohair braid one and one-half inches wide will be substituted for the velvet within the welts.


All line officers: A fretted silver western hemisphere, struck from solid plates with chased parallels; continents of North and South America of gold plate. To be surmounted by a spread eagle cut from solid silver, and securely fastened by a tag of silver soldered on the inner side of the hemisphere. The hemisphere to rest upon the shank, between the stock and the flukes, of a foul anchor in gold metal; the inner edges of the flukes nearly touching the hemisphere. The dimensions to be as follows: hemisphere, three-quarters of an inch in diameter; the eagle, three-eighths of an inch from top of head to point of claws; spread of wings, one inch; width of anchor stock and shank, one-eighth of an inch; arms of anchor, including flukes, three-fourths of an inch in length from peak of flukes to apex of crown, and one-eighth of an inch in width; length of anchor over all, one and one-half inches. The shank of the anchor to intersect the hemisphere between the Arctic Circle and the Tropic of Cancer on the left, and the Equator and the Tropic of Capricorn on the right.


Brigadier General, Commandant, and all line officers: Of white linen duck of same pattern and with same visor as undress cap, but omitting braid. The gold chin cord will be worn with this cap, but not the cap ornament. A white cap cover may be worn over the blue cap if desired.


Brigadier General, Commandant, and all line officers: A white patent leather belt, two inches wide. Style of belt, belt plate, size of slings, and brass mounting to be the same as prescribed for full-dress belt.


Brigadier General, Commandant, and all line officers: Of russet leather, to be similar in size and shape to the one adopted for full-dress.



Brigadier General, Commandant, and all line officers: A sack coat of white linen duck, of the same pattern and with the same trimming as the cloth undress coat, excepting that the trimming will be of white braid. The Corps device and insignia of rank, both of metal, will be worn on the collar in the same manner as prescribed for blue cloth undress coat.

Instead of the above, at stations or on board ships outside the continental limits of the United States, or when authorized by the senior officer present, there may be worn a white linen or cotton coat made in the same manner as the officer’s campaign coat, omitting the shoulder straps and slits in the back seams.  The same Corps and rank devices prescribed for summer undress will be worn on the collar of this coat.


Brigadier General, Commandant, and all line officers: Of white linen duck, the shape to be the same as adopted for cloth trousers.



Brigadier General, Commandant, and all line officers: Of dark-blue cloth, to be cut after the prevailing style of civilian’s evening-dress coat; rolling notched collar, two large-sized Marine Corps buttons on each side, and two at the waist behind; sleeves to be trimmed with the same material and in the same manner as prescribed for special full-dress.


Brigadier General, Commandant, and all line officers: Of dark-blue cloth or white linen, to be cut after the prevailing style of civilian’s single-breasted evening-dress waistcoat, with four small-size Marine Corps buttons in front.


Of dark-blue cloth, to be cut after the prevailing style of civilian’s evening-dress trousers, a stripe of black mohair braid, one inch wide down the outer seam of each leg. White linen trousers may also be worn with this coat in warm weather.


Brigadier General, Commandant, and all line officers: A round jacket of dark-blue cloth, lined with scarlet silk; sixteen small-size Marine Corps buttons in a single row down the front; collar and cuffs to be trimmed as prescribed for special full-dress. The shoulder knots prescribed for full-dress will be worn with this jacket, and also the waistcoat and trousers prescribed for evening dress. This jacket will be worn unbuttoned.


Brigadier General, Commandant, and all line officers: Of dark-blue cloth, lined with scarlet flannel; cut half close, to overlap in front four inches; to extend down the leg from six to eight inches below the knee, according to the height of the wearer; to have a slit six inches in length on the left side, abreast of where the sword hangs, to permit the font sling and hook of the belt to come through; single back piece with a slit in the bottom of from fifteen to twenty-five inches, according to the height of the wearer; slit in the back piece to be closed at will by small black button and buttonholes in a fly flap, the right side of which shall be on top, to permit the rear sling of belt to come through. Collar four inches deep, rounded ends, to stand or fall; the edge of the collar, front, lower border, pockets, sleeves, slit in back piece to be trimmed with flat black silk braid one-half inch wide. The braid at top and bottom of the pockets and the top slit in the back piece to be trimmed in the shape of a clover leaf, the horizontal leaves to be two inches each in width and the vertical leaf two inches tall in height. Coat to close by means of four olive-shaped frog buttons of black silk, one and one-eighth of an inch long, loops of black silk cord three-sixteenths of an inch in diameter, across the front; and a long loop, a’l’chelle (without tassel or plate) on the left side, and a small black silk frog on the right side at the throat. Around each frog button, on the front, a knot of two and one-fourth inches in diameter, of black-silk tracing braid, one-sixteenth of an inch wide. Rank to be indicated on the sleeve by the same designs and of the same material as prescribed for the undress coat. The sword will be worn outside the overcoat.


To be removable, and of the same color and material, and have the same lining as the overcoat; to reach the edges of the coat sleeves when the arms hang naturally at the side; the edges to be bound with flat silk braid, one-half inch wide. The cape to close by means of four small black buttons in a fly flap, the left side of which shall be on top. A detachable velvet collar may be worn with the cape.



For Brigadier General, Commandant, and all line officers: To be made of khaki, serge, or drill, and of the same design as prescribed for enlisted men, except that there shall be four outside pockets, the upper ones only to have plaits; the coat shall close in front with five large-size Marine Corps buttons. The rank and Corps devices prescribed for the summer undress coat will be worn one the collar.


For Brigadier General, Commandant, and all line officers: Of khaki, serge or drill, and of the same design as prescribed for the enlisted men. Side pockets may be substituted for top if desired. Trousers made to fit the leg tightly below the knee and extending to the ankle are authorized to be worn with leggings or boots only.



For Brigadier General, Commandant, and all line officers: A white standing collar, with a black silk cravat one inch wide


Mounted officers: White gloves or gauntlets.

All other officers: White gloves.


Mounted officers: Yellow metal or gilt, same as prescribed for officers of the Army.


Mounted Officers: Same as prescribed for officers of the Army.


For Brigadier General, Commandant, and all line officers: Of black or russet leather. Russet leather will only be worn with the campaign uniform. On board ship and in garrison at stations outside the continental limits of the United States, with white trousers, plain white shoes, high or low, of canvas or buckskin may be worn. In line with troops, patent leather shoes will not be worn.


For Brigadier General, Commandant, and all line officers: Of the same pattern and material as prescribed for the enlisted men. To be worn only when on duty with troops in the field or when prescribed by proper authority.


To be of black rubber or rubber cloth.


To be furnished by the Quartermaster’s Department for the use of the “officers of the day” only; to be of crimson silk net, and to be worn over the right shoulder, extending diagonally across the body to the left hip.


Same as prescribed for the United States Artillery, with the Corps device as prescribed for the officer’s helmet on each flank corner of the saddle cloth.




Special full dress: A single-breasted dark-blue cloth tunic, with eight large-size Marine Corps buttons placed at equal distances down the front; the skirt to be closed behind and there trimmed as are the present special full-dress coat of officers of the line of the Corps, omitting pockets in the folds of the skirt, length of skirt to extend to the upper joint of the thumb; cuff ornaments to be of the same character and design as for special full-dress coats of officers of the line, of corresponding grade, omitting the scarlet cloth, the tracing braid to be close against the lace of the chevron and the design at the lower angle to be made solid; the collar to be trimmed with No. 2 Marine Corps gold lace and hooked at the bottom. Corners in front to be rounded similar to that of the special full-dress coat of the line officers, this lace to be backed with gold tracing braid at base of collar and forming a crow’s foot in the center of the back, the side loops of the crow’s fee to be, each, one inch in length, measuring from the outside edge of the tracing braid; the middle loop to be one and one-half inches in length; the top of the collar front and bottom edges of the skirt of the coat to be piped with one-eighth inch scarlet cloth.

Aiguillettes and shoulder knot to be worn with special full-dress coat; aiguillettes to be worn on the right side and be suspended from the top button of the coat.

Full-dress coat: Same as for special full dress. The shoulder knots only will be worn with full dress.


Special full dress: Of dark-blue cloth, cut with medium spring; side pockets; one stripe of No. 3 Marine Corps gold lace, one inch wide, down the outer seams.

Full dress: Of dark-blue cloth, cut with medium spring; side pockets; one stripe of mohair braid, one inch wide, down the outer seams.


Special full dress and full dress: A knot of one-fourth inch round gold cord, closely double plaited, and fully covering the entire surface of the strap; lined with dark-blue cloth, gilt patent fastenings countersunk and secured by small Corps buttons. Insignia of rank, embroidered, will be worn in the center of the shoulder knots, and a Corps device of gold and silver, of size midway between the collar and cap ornaments, to be worn on the end of the knot, flukes of anchor pointing to the front. The knot will be six inches long, two inches wide at inner end and three inches at outer end.


Special full dress: Of round gold cord, same size as shoulder knots, two cords to be made in three plaits with pencil attachment on ends, back cord to be longer than the front one; also two loops of single cord, all made according to design. The aiguillette to be permanently attached to the right shoulder knot.


Special full dress and full dress: Same as for Brigadier General, Commandant, except that the plume shall be of red cock feathers.


Special full dress and full dress: Same as prescribed for officers of the line.


Special full dress and full dress: Same as prescribed for officers of the line.


Coat: Same as prescribed for officers of the line, and to be the same length as staff officer’s special full-dress coat.

Trousers: Same as for full dress.

Sword, belt, and belt plate: Same as for officers of the line.

Sword knot: Same as for officers of the line.

Cap and ornament: Same as for officers of the line.


Same as for officers of the line.


Same as for officers of the line.


Same as for officers of the line, except that the cuff ornaments shall be the same as prescribed for staff officer’s special full-dress coat.


Same as for officers of the line, except that the collar and cuff ornaments prescribed for staff officer’s special full-dress coat and the staff officer’s shoulder knots will be substituted.


The overcoat and cape, white helmet, white cap, neckwear, gloves, shoes, boots for mounted officers, spurs, and horse furniture shall be the same as prescribed for mounted officers of the line.



(a) Full Dress

To be worn on occasions of ceremony when officers are to appear in special full dress or full dress uniform.

Full dress coat, blue or white trousers, shoulder knots, white or black helmet, white collar, white gloves, and such arms and accoutrements as may be required.

(b) Undress

To be habitually worn when on or off duty.

Undress coat (blue or white), blue cap, white cap cover or white helmet, blue or white trousers, white gloves, and white collars.

(c) Campaign Uniform

To be worn in garrison and field in the United States when ordered, and in garrison and field in foreign possessions or countries.

Campaign coat, campaign trousers, leggings, campaign hat or white helmet, black or russet shoes.

(d) Overcoat

To be worn when ordered.

(e) Black Helmet

To be worn with full dress and with overcoat when ordered.




Noncommissioned officers and privates: Of single-breasted tunic pattern; to be made of dark-blue cloth; skirt to extend to the point of the thumb, the arm hanging naturally; one row of eight large-size Marine Corps buttons on the breast, placed at equal distances, and two in the back at the end of the waist seam. Standing collar of the same material, one and one-half inches high (rounded ends) to hook in the front at the bottom, to be pipe-edged around the top and base with one-eighth inch scarlet cloth, the top of the collar to be trimmed with one-half inch scarlet worsted lace. A three-pointed stripe at center of the upper side of each sleeve hand of dark-blue cloth, six inches long, lower part along edge of sleeve hand two and one-half inches wide at each point, and one and three-fourths inches wide at inside of curves between the points, a small Corps vest button sewed on each point, straight side of straps to be sewed down and turned over so as to make the points extend toward the back arm seams. The tunic to be piped around the base of the collar, down the front, around the bottom, up the plaits of the skirts to waist seam, and sleeve straps with one-eighth inch scarlet cloth, excepting straight side of sleeve straps, which will be plain.

Total number of buttons on tunic: Ten large size and six vest buttons.

Field Music: Shall be made in the same manner as prescribed for enlisted men of the line, except that the color of the cloth shall be scarlet, fast dye, the pipings white; the collar to be trimmed with one-half inch yellow worsted lace, instead of scarlet, the cuffs to be pointed and made of yellow worsted lace, three-fourths of an inch wide, piped on both sideses with white cloth showing one-eighth of an inch.  The point of this cuff to be seven inches and the spring two and three-quarters inches from bottom of sleeve. On under seam of cuff will be placed, at equal distances, three small vest buttons, the lowest of which will be three-quarters of an inch and the top four and one-half inches from the bottom of the sleeve.

Leader of the band: Tunic of scarlet cloth, fast dye, of the same pattern as prescribed for enlisted men of the line with the following exceptions: The collar, which shall point down between the shoulders one inch from the base of the collar, to be of dark-blue cloth, piped around the top with one-eighth inch white cloth, at the bottom with one-eighth inch gold lace, and be trimmed around the top with gold lace one-half inch wide. Cuffs to be pointed and of dark-blue cloth, extending up the sleeves seven inches; edged with one-eighth inch white cloth, and trimmed with one-fourth inch gold cord and three small buttons on the under seams. The breast of the tunic to be trimmed across with one-eighth inch gold cord and three rows of large-size Marine Corps buttons, each row to have seven buttons, and be seven inches apart at the top, and six inches apart at the bottom.

Second Leader: Same as for leader, excepting that the gold lace on the collar shall be omitted, and that black mohair braid, one-eighth of an inch thick and three-eighths of an inch wide shall be substituted for the gold cord on the breast and cuffs, and a white cloth piping one-eighth of an inch wide for the gold cord at the base of the collar. A gold lace chevron, similar to that of a sergeant major, will be worn, and in the same place.

Musicians: The same for the second leader, omitting the braid on the cuffs of the coat.

Drum Major: The same as adopted for the leader of the band, excepting that the collar and cuffs shall be of scarlet cloth, piped with white cloth, the collar be trimmed with one-half inch gold braid and piped at the base with one-half inch gold tracing braid.


Noncommissioned officers: To be of sky-blue kersey, cut with medium spring; side pockets; to have one stripe of scarlet cloth, one inch wide, down the outer seams, edges of scarlet cloth to be welted.

Privates: To be the same as noncommissioned officers, omitting the scarlet stripes down the outer seams.

Field Music: to be the same as noncommissioned officers, excepting that the scarlet stripes shall be three-sixteenths of an inch wide.

Leader and second leader of the band: The same as adopted for line officer’s special full dress.

Drum major and musicians: the same as prescribed for privates, except that there shall be two stripes down the outer seams of scarlet cloth, one-half inch wide, stitched on the outer edges, showing one-fourth of an inch of light blue between the scarlet stripes.


For all enlisted men: White linen duck as furnished by the Quartermaster’s Department.


Black Helmets

For all enlisted men, except the leader of band and drum major: Of same pattern, quality, and shape as standard sample in the Quartermaster’s Department.

Helmet Ornaments

Spike and base, chin strap, and side buttons: The same as the standard samples in the Quartermaster’s Department.

Device: An enlarged Corps device, consisting of the eagle, glove, and anchor, to be made of brass, according to the standard sample in the Quartermaster’s Department. All ornaments shall be fire gilt.

The chin strap will be invariably worn on the chin.

Leader of the band: Helmet same as that adopted for the company officers of the line.

Drum Major, shacko: Of black astrakhan lambskin on leather body, height in front, eight and one-half inches; back, ten inches; plain red cloth top and red cloth bag trimmed with gold soutache braid and twisted cord button on left side, gilt curb chain lined with black leather, marine corps helmet side buttons, and twelve-inch red, white, and blue vulture-feather upright plume, inserted on the right side.  The chain chin strap will be invariably worn on the chin.


For all enlisted men: Same as standard sample in the Quartermaster’s Department. When the white helmet is worn with full dress the spike and spike base will be worn, and with undress, summer undress or campaign, the ventilator top only.


Noncommissioned officers and privates: Of red mohair braid plaited, same as standard sample in the Quartermaster’s Department.

Leader of the band: Epaulettes to be of same pattern as adopted for first lieutenants. A small lyre of silver to be substituted for the rank device.

Second leader, musicians, and field music: Shoulder knots to be of the same pattern as adopted for noncommissioned officers and privates, excepting that the color of the mohair braid shall be white.

Drum Major: Shoulder knots of same shape as prescribed for noncommissioned officers and privates, except that the braid shall be of gold.


Leader and second leader of band: To be of gold cord one-fourth of and inch in diameter, and made in the same manner as those for officers of the staff of the Corps

Musicians: To be of white cotton cord one-fourth of an inch in diameter, and fo the same design as those for leader of the band.


Drum Major: Of white enameled leather, three inches wide, with ornaments and black patent leather pouch, and to conform with sample in the Quartermaster’s Department.



For noncommissioned officers, field music, and privates: To be made of dark indigo-blue flannel, dyed in the wool, cut half close so as to define the figure. No seam in center of back, darts in the fore part under the arms to extend to top of hip bone. Coat to be one and one-half inches shorter than the full-dress coat. Body to be lined in the fore part, and inside of shoulders covered with black Italian cloth; sleeves to be lined with drab jean. One row of seven 28-ligne Marine Corps buttons down the front, top button one-half inch from base of collar, lowest button about nine inches from bottom of coat. Standing collar one and one-fourth inches high (rounded ends), to hook in front at bottom. Shoulder straps of dark-blue flannel (inner ends rounded) two inches wide at sleeve head seams, and one inch wide at collar seams; to be sewed down to fore part along shoulder seams, outer edges sewed in with sleeves, a small Marine Corps button on inner end.  A three-pointed strap at center of upper side of each sleeve band, of same material to be five and one-half inches long, lower point along edge of sleeve band, two and one-half inches wide at each point, one and three-fourths inches wide at inside of curves between the points, a small Marine Corps button sewed on each point, straight side of straps to be sewed down and turned over so as to make the points extend toward the back arm seams.  The coat to be piped down the front and around the bottom, base of collar, shoulder straps and sleeve straps, with one-eighth inch scarlet flannel, excepting straight side of sleeve straps and outer edges of shoulder straps, which shall be plain.

Total number of buttons on coat: seven 28-ligne and eight small ones.

Leader of the band: Of dark blue cloth, cut and trimming to be the same as the undress coat for a first lieutenant. On each side of collar, where the rank device is worn by commissioned officers, a small lyre of silver will be worn in connection with the Corps device.

Second leader of the band: The same as adopted for enlisted men of the line. A lyre of gold one inch in height to be worn on each side of collar, one inch from the edges thereof. A chevron similar to that of the sergeant major will be worn, and in the same place.

Musicians: The same as adopted for enlisted men of the line, excepting that the collar shall be turned down and have near each point a lyre of white metal one inch in height.


Noncommissioned officers, field music, and privates: Same as for full dress.

Leader of the band: Same as full-dress trousers of officers of the line.

Second leader of the band: Same as leader of the band.

Musicians: Same as full dress, omitting stripes and welt and substituting therefore a welt of scarlet cloth three-sixteenths of an inch wide.



For all enlisted men except leader of the band: A single-breasted sack coat of US Marine Corps standard linen. To be made loose fitting; to be of same length as present undress coat; to have fore part, side body, and back. All seams to extend to bottom of coat. The body seams to be turned in and show two rows of stitching one-fourth inch apart. Rolling collar two and one-half inches deep when rolled; around the collar and down the front to have one row of stitching one-fourth of an inch from edge. Bottom of coat to be turned up three-fourths inch and stitched with one row of stitching at the edge of part turned up. End of sleeve to be turned up one and one-half inches and stitched with one row of stitching at the edges of part turned up. One row of six 28-ligne buttons down front; top button to be placed one-half inch from base of collar, the others placed at equal distances; lowest button about nine inches from bottom of coat. Six eyelet holes placed one inch from edge on right side for rings to fasten on buttons. Vertical pocket inside the left breast.

Leader of the band: A sack coat of white linen duck of the same pattern and with the same trimming as the cloth undress coat, except that the trimming will be of white braid. Design on collar will be the same as that worn on the cloth undress.


For all enlisted men: To be made of US Marine Corps standard linen, as per sample in the Quartermaster’s Department.


To be made of khaki cloth, eight ounces to the yard, dyed in the piece, cut half close, so as to define the figure.  Seam down the center of the back. Side body between back and front to extend from armpit to bottom, seam to be opened about four inches at bottom between side body and back.  Skirt to extend to upper joint of thumb, arm hanging naturally by the side. Coat to be faced with same material, facing to extend to the shoulder seam; all seams to be double.  Standing collar, ends slightly rounded, to be one and one-half inches high, hooked in front at top and bottom. Collar to be reinforced at the front with pieces of the same cloth doubled, about one and one-fourth inches long, one and one-half inches wide, sewed to the inside of the collar, so as to cover the opening. One row of five 28-ligne Marine Corps buttons down the front; top button to be one-half inch from base of collar, lowest button about nine inches from the bottom of coat. Shoulder straps of same material, inner end rounded, two and one-fourth inches wide at the sleeve-head seams and one and one-fourth inches wide at upper end. Outer seams to be sewed in with sleeve; a small Marine Corps button on inner end. One pocket on each breast, with plait one inch wide in center; plait to be sewed only at top and bottom. Pointed flap over opening, buttoned with small Marine Corps button to plait of pocket. Pocket to be six and one-half inches wide and six and one-half inches high, rounded at lower corners; flap to be about three inches deep at point and one and one-half inches at side. Cuffs to be two and three-fourths inches deep, running to a point at middle forward part of sleeve, four and one half inches deep, to be cut double and sewed to lower edges of sleeve. Loop at center of collar, about one and one-half inches long, of doubled khaki. Total number of buttons, five 28-ligne and four small Marine Corps buttons, all to be attached to the coat by eyelets and rings. Service stripes will not be worn on this coat.


Of same material as coat and made on same pattern as white linen duck trousers. All buttons and buckles to be of brass. Top pockets.



For noncommissioned officers, field music, and privates: To be made of dark-blue cloth. The cloth to be well sponged, without refinishing, before being made into caps.  Band: To be about one and one-half inches wide, formed by the material of the body of the cap, between two welts, each welt at top and bottom projecting about one-eighth inch, the bottom welt being about one-eighth inch above the base of the cap; the band to be strengthened by a strap of strong split leather, about one-sixteenth inch thickness all around, and two inches wide, sewed in between the sweat band and the body of the cap, with the lining of the cap between the two. Crown to be bell-shaped, one-half inch larger at top than at base; height in front, three inches; back, two and one-half inches. Visor to slant downward at an angle of about twenty-five degrees from the horizontal, and be of patent enameled leather, black above, and lined with an embossed green leather, securely cemented to the body of the visor by the best rubber cement; to be bound with black patent leather to the depth of about three-sixteenths of an inch, the upper edge of the binding to be neatly turned in and stitched; the width of the visor at its widest part, from the lower edges of the center front of the cap to the edge of the binding, to be about one and five-eighths inches, and the entire visor to be molded to shape. Trimmings: A small regulation button on each side immediately behind the ends of the visor for chin straps; the side buttons to be fire gilt; the chin strap to be made of good enameled leather in two parts, each part about nine inches long and one-half inch wide, fitted with a stout fire-gilt slide on the end of the under part, and a leather keeper on the end of the upper part, through which the end finished to a point will project about one-fourth inch, to permit the strap to be adjusted at will; the sweat leather to be of good quality Belgian leather, about one and three-fourths inches wide, turned on the upper edge and properly cemented; the lining, of strong black satin, cut and shaped to the inner body of the cap, the crown of which shall be joined at the seat of the crownpiece of the cap and stitched therewith to hold lining at all times in position. Between this lining and the body of the cap shall be placed a strong piece of furniture haircloth to fit the cap, bound at top by a strong cutting of silesia about one and one-fourth inches wide, in which shall be inserted a flat, steel, covered wire about three-sixteenths of an inch wide, the whole secured to the haircloth by two rows of stitching. The haircloth to be well shrunk before cut for manufacture. Each cap to have four black metal eyelets for ventilation, two on each side of the cap, the center of each eyelet to be placed halfway between the upper seam of the welt and the top of the cap, and one and one-half inches apart from each other; also another metal eyelet directly in center of front, one-fourth inch below upper welt, for ornament. Each cap to be finished with a loop of black mohair or worsted braid, not less than one-eighth inch wide, and securely fastened under the sweat leather at the back seam, and the sweat leather to be sewed to the cap with not less than seven fine stitches to the inch. The above specifications are based on size 7 1/8. Materials, workmanship, and finish of the caps to conform in all respects to standard sample.

Leader of band: Same as prescribed for commissioned officers.

Second leader of band and musicians: The same as those for other enlisted men, except that the band of the cap shall be covered between welts with flat black mohair braid.


A Corps device of gilder’s metal No. 14, of the same pattern and dimensions as the present standard sample in the Quartermaster’s Department

White Helmet

For all enlisted men: Same as for full dress except that the ventilator will be substituted for spike and base

Campaign Hat

For all enlisted men: Same as standard sample in the Quartermaster’s Department. This hat will be creased from front to rear. The cap ornament, together with battalion and company figures and letters, will be worn in front; letters and figures to be worn below the ornament.  The company letter to the right and the battalion figure to the left of the ornament.

White Cap Cover

For all enlisted men: Of US Marine Corps standard white linen, made to fit undress caps, and in accordance with the standard sample in the Quartermaster’s Department.

Muskrat Caps

For all enlisted men: Same as standard sample in the Quartermaster’s Department.


For all enlisted men, except leader of the band: Sky blue kersey of same shade of color and quality as the standard sample; cut to the shape of the body; to extend down the leg from six to eight inches below the knee, according to the height of the wearer; to be slit up the back piece sixteen inches. Double-breasted, with two rows of large-size Corps buttons on breast, seven buttons on each row, placed at equal distances apart; the distance between rows to be seven inches at the top and five inches at the bottom, measurements to be made from the center of the buttons; lower border of the coat to be felled. Collar five inches deep, to stand or fall, to hook in front. Sleeves loose, with two rows of stitching to represent cuffs five inches deep; three small-size Corps buttons on each cuff. The body lining to be of scarlet flannel, which will be shown when the overcoat is rolled on top of the blanket bag. To have seven hooks under the collar, to which the cape will be attached.

Cape: Circular, cut out of one piece of sky-blue kersey; to extend to the edge of the coat sleeve, the arm hanging naturally; to close in front with five small-size Marine Corps buttons; to have seven eyes on the upper border, by which it will be fastened to the coat.

The chevrons of all noncommissioned officers and the second leader of the band to be worn on the cuffs.

Service stripes will not be worn on the overcoat.

Leader of band: Of dark-blue cloth, cut after the same pattern as the one adopted for enlisted men of the line; lined with scarlet flannel; to close by means of seven olive-shaped frogs, one and one-half inches in length; to be trimmed on the breast in the same manner and with the same braid and stuffed crochet buttons, as adopted for the undress coat of commissioned officers; to be slit at the bottom of the back piece from fifteen to twenty-five inches, according to the height of the wearer. Collar four inches deep, rounded ends, to stand or fall. Pockets each side. Sleeves to be trimmed as per design of full-dress coat, with the same braid as used on the breast. To be trimmed on the edge of the front, lower border, pockets, sleeves, collar, and slit in the back, with black worsted braid one-half of an inch wide, of the same pattern as adopted for the overcoat of noncommissioned officers.

Cape: Removable, of the same material as the overcoat; to be lined with scarlet flannel, to extend to the edge of the coat sleeves, the arm hanging naturally; to close in front with five small black buttons in a fly flap.


Of yellow silk lace, one-half inch wide, edged with scarlet cloth one-eighth of an inch wide, to be worn on the sleeves above the elbows, points up.

Sergeant major and second leader of the band: Three bars and arcs on scarlet ground.

Quartermaster sergeant: Three bars and a tie on scarlet ground.

Drum major: Three bars and a tie, with a five-pointed star in the center, on scarlet ground.

Gunnery sergeant: Three bars and a tie, with device of the school of application embroidered in yellow silk in center, on scarlet ground.

First sergeant: Three bars and a lozenge, edged with scarlet.

Sergeant: Three bars edged with scarlet.

Corporal: Two bars edged with scarlet.

The above chevrons to be worn on the undress coat of all noncommissioned officers and on the full-dress coats of all but the sergeant majors, second leader of the band, drum major, and quartermaster sergeants, who, on these coats, wear a chevron of one-half inch real gold lace, made in the same manner as silk chevron, the star of the drum majors full-dress chevron to be embroidered in gold.

On summer undress and campaign coats of all noncommissioned officers will be worn a chevron of gray linen braid made in the same shapes as prescribed above.


To indicate service, all noncommissioned officers, privates, and musicians who have served faithfully for one term of enlistment in any branch of the Government service shall wear, as a mark of distinction, upon both sleeves below the elbow a diagonal half chevron, extending from seam to seam just above the cuff; the front end of the chevron to be nearer to the end of the sleeve; and be made of yellow silk lace one-half inch wide, edged with scarlet cloth one-eighth of an inch wide.


To be made of dark-blue shirting flannel, white pearl buttons, and black cotton thread. Open front, with top plait two (2) inches wide, under plait one (1) inch wide. Cuffs sewed on sleeve two and one-half (2-1/2) inches deep; corners of cuff and bottom of shirt to be rounded off. Buttons and buttonholes to be at each of the following places, viz:  one (1) on neckband at center of the back, one (1) on front neckband at throat, two (2) on front plait, equidistant between the throat and the bottom of opening, and one (1) on each cuff, making six (6) in all. Depth of neckband about three-quarters (3/4) inch; depth of front plait about fourteen (14) inches.


For all enlisted men: Of black calfskin, made according to standard sample in the Quartermaster’s Department. Russet leather made according to standard sample in the Quartermaster’s Department.

Arctic shoes made according to standard sample in the Quartermaster’s Department.


For all enlisted men: Same as standard sample in the Quartermaster’s Department.


For all enlisted men: Same as standard sample in the Quartermaster’s Department.


For all enlisted men: Same as standard sample in the Quartermaster’s Department.


For all enlisted men: Same as standard sample in the Quartermaster’s Department.


For all enlisted men: Same as standard sample in the Quartermaster’s Department.


For all enlisted men: Same as standard sample in the Quartermaster’s Department.


For all enlisted men: To be of white linen, same as standard sample in the Quartermaster’s Department.


To consist of a coat, hat, and boots, the same as the standard samples in the Quartermaster’s Department. The rain clothes to be used for guard duty only, or by the regularly detailed guard and orderlies.


For all enlisted men: Same as standard sample in the Quartermaster’s Department.


Rubber blankets, or ponchos, same as standard samples in the Quartermaster’s Department.


For all enlisted men: The same as standard sample in the Quartermaster’s Department.


To be the same as the same as standard samples in the Quartermaster’s Department.


To be the same as the same as standard samples in the Quartermaster’s Department.


To be the same as the same as standard samples in the Quartermaster’s Department.



To be the same as the same as standard samples in the Quartermaster’s Department.


Flags, markers, guidons, and camp colors: To be the same as the same as standard samples in the Quartermaster’s Department.


The sword, sword belts, belt plate, and sword knots for the leader of the band shall be of the same pattern as those adopted for commissioned officers.

The drum-major, second leader of the band, quartermaster-sergeants, field music, and musicians of the band shall wear a white leather waist belt with sword attached by a sliding frog.

The sergeant-majors shall have their swords slung in the same manner as prescribed for commissioned officers.

First sergeants, gunnery sergeants, and sergeants shall wear a white leather waist belt, with bayonet scabbard attached by sliding frog, and shall be armed with a rifle.

When in charge of troops they shall be armed with a sword only, except when engaged in service in the field, when they shall be armed with a sword and a revolver.

Corporals and privates shall wear a white leather waist belt, with bayonet attached by a sliding frog, and shall be armed with a rifle. The woven cartridge belt shall be substituted for the white leather belt and cartridge box when necessary.  The cartridge box will be worn on the white leather belt.

Belt plates shall be of plain brass, excepting those for noncommissioned staff and second leader of the band, which shall be of the same pattern and size as those adopted for commissioned officers, omitting the gold and silver ornamentation.

Musket slings shall be of russet leather, and attached to the rifle.

Medals of Honor, good-conduct medals, the badge of the Regular Army and Navy Union; and other authorized decorations may be worn on “occasions of ceremony”, such as general musters, reviews, inspections, etc.; or when full dress is the uniform. The medals are to be worn in the same manner as prescribed for commissioned officers.

Other qualities or patterns of materials or trimmings other than those herein prescribed shall not be worn.