Department of the Platte

Department of the Platte Staff
Commander Brevet Colonel Hardtack Henry
Chief of Staff Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Scratch
Adjutant Brevet Captain Bob Masterson
Sergeant Major Acting Sergeant Major Hardtack Henry
Department Chief of Ordnance Brevet Captain Pigpen
Department Chief of Scouts Bow View Haymaker
Department Infantry Commander Capt Dan Blodgett
Department Cavalry Commander Brevet Captain Lineas A. Puffbuster
Department Artillery Commander Bvt Captain Joe LaFives
Department Marine Corps Commander Brevet Captain Mud Marine
Department Naval Commander Brevet Captain Grizzly Adams
Northern District Commander Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Wretched Excess
Southern District Commander Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Trailrider
Division of Arizona Commander Bad Apple
Division of Colorado Commander Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Jack Storm

This web page is for the members of the GAF Department of the Platte. If you have any material, news, pictures, corrections, additions, etc. contribute for this page please forward them to the Commander of the Department.